Discover the latest insights, news and advice related to appeals, state and federal appeals, judgment collection, receivership and more.

Anatomy of a White-Collar Crime

Anatomy of a White-Collar Crime

In a world where crime often conjures images of heists, robberies, and dramatic police chases, there exists a quieter but equally destructive form of wrongdoing: white-collar crime. Keep reading to uncover the intricacies and repercussions of this criminal behavior. What is White-Collar Crime? White-collar crime refers to non-violent, financially motivated offenses typically committed by...

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How Long Does a Criminal Record Last & Does It Ever Go Away?

How Long Does a Criminal Record Last & Does It Ever Go Away?

The implications of a criminal record can persist long after one’s legal troubles are over — affecting employment, housing, and other aspects of life. In this blog, we delve into the intricate world of criminal records, exploring their lifespans and the possibilities for clearing one’s record. What Is a Criminal Record? A criminal record is

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Direct Examination vs. Cross Examination: What’s the Difference?

Direct Examination vs. Cross Examination: What’s the Difference?

Two components that play a pivotal role in courtroom battles are ‘direct examination’ and ‘cross examination.’ These terms can seem like a jumble of legal jargon, so in this guide, we will shed light on the differences between these techniques and their significance in legal proceedings. Comparing Direct vs. Cross Examination Direct and cross examination

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What Kind of Cases Are Taken to the Supreme Court?

What Kind of Cases Are Taken to the Supreme Court?

At the apex of the judicial hierarchy, the Supreme Court stands as the ultimate arbiter of justice in the United States. But what types of cases are deemed worthy of this stage? In this blog, we explore the pivotal issues that shape our legal landscape and define the nation’s constitutional fabric. The Role of the

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What Are the Grounds for Appeal?

What Are the Grounds for Appeal?

The pursuit of justice doesn’t always end with a verdict. Enter the appeals process – a critical avenue through which individuals can challenge court decisions that they believe to be unjust or erroneous. Basics of the Appeal Process If a defendant is convicted in the State of Texas, they have the right to challenge their

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How to File a Notice of Appeal in Federal Court: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to File a Notice of Appeal in Federal Court: A Step-by-Step Guide

Filing a Notice of Appeal in federal court is a crucial step in the appellate process that allows parties dissatisfied with a lower court’s decision to seek review at a higher level. Whether you are an attorney representing a client or an individual navigating the process independently, this step-by-step guide will demystify the procedure, empowering

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The Federal Court Appeal Process: An Overview

The Federal Court Appeal Process: An Overview

The federal court appeal process is an important part of the legal system. It allows individuals and organizations to challenge decisions made by lower courts or administrative agencies. This process can be complex and time-consuming, but it can also be a powerful tool for those seeking justice. What Is the Federal Court Appeals Process and

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Is Embezzlement a Felony or Misdemeanor?

Is Embezzlement a Felony or Misdemeanor?

Embezzlement is a crime that involves the fraudulent misappropriation of property or money that an individual has been entrusted with for their own benefit. Embezzlement is a serious offense and can be charged as either a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on the value of the property or money taken. Is Embezzlement a Felony or

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